Want to know more about the instructional impact of teacher AND student clarity? Join us on October 23! #sesccoop #servingyou Register: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/TSrqKmIb
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Clarity for Learning
Teachers from across the region gathered on Monday, Aug. 14 for day 1 of SESC'S Deeper Learning Coaching Academy. Districts in attendance were Berea Independent, Casey County, Clay County, Corbin Independent, Harlan County, Jackson County, Pineville Independent, and Somerset Independent. SESC trainers Leah Marcum and Tori Anders, along with NTC trainer Shelley Winterberg, facilitated the study of Coaching Cycles for Equitable Learning. #sesccoop #servingyou
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Deeper Learning Coaching Academy
Deeper Learning Coaching Academy
Deeper Learning Coaching Academy
Deeper Learning Coaching Academy
Deeper Learning Coaching Academy
Join SESC Science Consultant, Rachel Grider, as well as other science educators across the region as we share successes, strategies, and resources! #sesccoop #servingyou September Registration: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/umv6LTEO
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Science Regional PLC
Please join educators around the region for our Virtual Math PLC.We will meet to discuss instructional strategies for the math classroom that promote student engagement in the Standards for Math Practice. Area K-5 educators will meet September 15th, and November 13th, while our middle and high school teachers will meet October 23rd and December 11th. One hour EILA Credit is available for each PLC upon request. #sesccoop #servingyou K-5 (9/15): https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/Gn7Vdcik 6-12 (10/23): https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/WLHBNZ2j K-5 (11/13): https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/A3ChFPLG 6-12 (12/11): https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/MkXCuVpF
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
virtual regional math plc
ATTENTION BEGINNING TEACHERS! SESC is offering a host of training opportunities for you! We have you covered from content training to classroom management to engagement! Sign up for one of our beginning teacher trainings today! #sesccoop #servingyou Registration: Classroom Management 8/30: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/uas3jTlY Math Standards 8/31-9/1: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/sR24vyCY Science Standards 9/7-9/8: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/EofW2KPV Literacy Standards 9/12-9/13: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/sfa5DWFi Social Studies Standards 9/28-9/29: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/WA0Ow9ck Student Engagement 1/25: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/sgWoEquR
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Beginning Teachers
Join us as we take a closer look at 6 different Evidence-Based Instructional Practices! #sesccoop #servingyou Registration- October 5th: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/rinL5SEq October 12th: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/6tjbNLTl
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
6 evidence based instructional practices
Do you know that we all actually have eight sensory systems? Interoception is the eighth sensory system, and it refers to internal sensations such as hunger, thirst, need for the bathroom, body temperature, heart rate and muscle tension. In this session, participants will explore interoception more in depth. Learn what it is and how it impacts emotions, self regulation, and social interaction skills. Finally, participants will explore activities and strategies to build interoceptive awareness in all students. Great opportunity for Occupational Therapists and Special Education Teachers #sesccoop #servingyou https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/TxiolApR
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Teachers from Barbourville Independent are working with Rhonda Bryant, Sandye Kabalen, and Sarah Shaffer today to build a deeper understanding of Evidence-Based Instructional Practices. #sesccoop #servingyou
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Barbourville Independent teachers
Barbourville Independent teachers
Barbourville Independent teachers
Barbourville Independent teachers
Barbourville Independent teachers
Did you know that KDE provides a wealth of content-specific resources to support your implementation of the Kentucky Academic Standards? Check them out! #sesccoop #servingyou kystandards.org
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
KDE Resources
UFLI Foundations is an explicit and systematic program created by the team at the University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI—pronounced “you fly”). The program introduces students to the foundational reading skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence. The program is designed to be used for core instruction in the primary grades or for intervention with struggling students in any grade. How does it work? UFLI Foundations provides teachers with detailed but easy to follow lesson plans that follow this eight-step routine: 1. Phonemic Awareness 2. Visual Drill 3. Auditory Drill 4. Blending Drill 5. New Concept 6. Word Work 7. Irregular Words 8. Connected Text Steps 1 through 4 serve as a warm-up and review of previously taught concepts. Step 5 is an explicit introduction to a new concept, including guided practice reading and spelling words. Steps 6 through 8 are opportunities to apply concepts through reading and writing activities at the word and text level. Please join us to learn about this lesson plan! #sesccoop #servingyou Registration: September 18, 2023 - London Training Room https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/VPY38zf9 October12, 2023 - Madison County Regional Training https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/0LnltXSZ
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
As part of the SESC-ARP Transition Project, mini-grants are available for high school teachers of students with disabilities during the 23-24 school year. These grants will allow teachers to design Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) to meet the needs of individual classrooms. Teachers need only to complete an application explaining the need and how it will be met. If approved, classrooms may receive up to $750 to address transition activities. The application is linked to this flyer. #sesccoop #servingyou Application: http://forms.gle/YwrXJq39B38Ptken6
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Mini transition grants
Join SESC Science Consultants, Missy and Rachel in this interactive 3-dimensional science task training. Participants will take away strategies and resources for implementing 3-dimensional science tasks in their classroom! #sesccoop #servingyou Register: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/pFjr69Nm
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
3D Science Task
Knox County curriculum coaches recently completed SESC's Deeper Learning Coaching Academy presented by Leah Marcum, Jennifer McDaniel, Jenniefer Siler, and Missy Conlin. #sesccoop #servingyou
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Knox county teachers
Knox county teachers
Knox county teachers
Knox county teachers
Knox county teachers
Join us on October 30th for Addressing Attendance in the Age of Deeper Learning! We will share strategies, interventions and resources that will give you new hope that attendance CAN be improved! During this training we will address how to calculate attendance metrics to determine targeted interventions and supports. #sesccoop #servingyou https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/qPwa2WVC
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Administration and Leaders! Join us on September 19th for an incredible training opportunity, ""All Means all: Ensuring a Culture Invites Every Learning"" with Dr. Adam Drummond. In this training, participants will review practices that can be used the next day of school to help build a foundation of trust and improve the culture in their school. #sesccoop #servingyou Register: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/XFkrdQnK
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Adam Drummond Flyer
UFLI Foundations is an explicit and systematic program created by the team at the University of Florida Literacy Institute (UFLI—pronounced “you fly”). The program introduces students to the foundational reading skills necessary for proficient reading. It follows a carefully developed scope and sequence designed to ensure that students systematically acquire each skill needed and learn to apply each skill with automaticity and confidence. The program is designed to be used for core instruction in the primary grades or for intervention with struggling students in any grade. How does it work? UFLI Foundations provides teachers with detailed but easy to follow lesson plans that follow this eight-step routine: 1. Phonemic Awareness 2. Visual Drill 3. Auditory Drill 4. Blending Drill 5. New Concept 6. Word Work 7. Irregular Words 8. Connected Text Steps 1 through 4 serve as a warm-up and review of previously taught concepts. Step 5 is an explicit introduction to a new concept, including guided practice reading and spelling words. Steps 6 through 8 are opportunities to apply concepts through reading and writing activities at the word and text level. Please join us to learn about this lesson plan! #sesccoop #servingyou
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
UFLI Flyer
Administrators, join us for this two part event! This training is for school and district leaders who are ready to combat tobacco (and related products) related offenses through preventative and proactive strategies and systems. We will provide a brief rationale behind our approach, then we will provide strategies which are flexible enough that they will fit into current systems. We will wrap up with additional resources. Part two of this training will occur immediately following this training (09/21/2023 from 1:00 to 4:00) and will include problem solving around non-academic data. Analysis of this data, may streamline interventions based upon student need. Please register for this session separately. Data will obtained from School Report Card Data for districts attending. If you have additional data you would like to bring, feel free to do so! Format will be round table facilitated discussion. #sesccoop #servingyou
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Proactive and Preventative Strategies
Welcome our newest SESC team members! #sesccoop #servingyou
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
Sandye Kabalen
Karla Johnson
Tim Bobrowski
Kristal Doolin
Nicki Hammons
Lennie Feltner
Join SESC Science Consultants, Missy and Rachel in this interactive 3-dimensional science task training. Participants will take away strategies and resources for implementing 3-dimensional science tasks in their classroom! #sesccoop #servingyou Register here: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/pFjr69Nm
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
3 dimensional science tasks
Deeper Learning Content Academy! Two Options! Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity! #sesccoop #servingyou
over 1 year ago, Ashley Judd
UK Next Gen
Defined learning