Happy Boss's Day to the absolute BEST! We are lucky to have such an amazing leader guiding us at SESC! Mrs. Dixon is always ready to roll up her sleeves and get to work. Great work starts with a great leader, and we have the best!
NOW HIRING! Check out our current job openings! #sesccoop #servingyou
Southeast South-Central Educational Cooperative (SESC) is presenting a virtual learning series, titled “Option Six Learning Series.” Each month relevant topics will be presented to enhance the practice of special education teachers. These sessions are the ideal resource for educators who are committed to improving outcomes for learners with disabilities. #sesccoop #servingyou
Register Here: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/NtlgM7Qk
As part of the SESC-ARP Transition Project, mini-grants are available for high school teachers of students with disabilities during the 23-24 school year. These grants will allow teachers to design Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) to meet the needs of individual classrooms. Teachers need only to complete an application explaining the need and how it will be met. If approved, classrooms may receive up to $750 to address transition activities. The application is linked to this flyer. #sesccoop #servingyou
Application: http://forms.gle/YwrXJq39B38Ptken6
What's New with CRRSA
We are always there for your professional learning needs!
Below you will find information regarding our On-Demand Learning Modules and links to some of our Upcoming Events.
Please feel free to reach out to us regarding Kentucky Academic Standards Training in all areas and your Social and Emotional Learning needs! #sesccoop #servingyou
Consultants Rhonda Bryant and Kristal Doolin spent an evening with Lynn Camp Middle and High teachers learning together about the value of a school-wide writing program and strategies for supporting on-demand writing. #sesccoop #servingyou
Join science educators across the region as we share successes, strategies, and resources! The Regional Science PLC meets once a month from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm virtually. Check out the flyer for dates, topics, and registration links. #sesccoop #servingyou
Register for October 17: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/dbKgFrD5
Calling all Social Studies Teachers! Join @sesccoop and SS teachers across the region for our Community of Practice Zoom on October 18th. Take away strategies, tools, and ideas you can implement in class right away. Can't wait to collaborate! See details in the image and register at bit.ly/SSCOP-OCT #sesccoop #servingyou
Sharpen your skills and gain a certification! Join us for our Google Level 1 Bootcamp! You will find new ways to use the tools you use everyday and find new ways to enhance your classroom instruction. As an added BONUS, come back for day 2 and take your Google Level 1 Certified Educator test to become officially certified! Register soon! #sesccoop #servingyou
Register Here: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/UgWC6SqT
Join us on October 30th for Addressing Attendance in the Age of Deeper Learning! We will share strategies, interventions and resources that will give you new hope that attendance CAN be improved! During this training we will address how to calculate attendance metrics to determine targeted interventions and supports. #sesccoop #servingyou
SESC consultant, April Brock, spent time in the Pulaski County School District on September 28 training new teachers on writing measurable annual goals in student IEP's. #sesccoop #servingyou
Does your school implement PBIS? SESC can provide an external coach to complete your TFI Walkthrough! Click the link to request a TFI Walkthrough: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfEC5rto7c-r67EcKcSVZuEccbL_AEy0YUwbJaqSCOPK07SqQ/viewform
Does your district do it's own TFI Walkthroughs? Utilize the form link here to collect your data: https://forms.gle/jdBc9xzev1tuNdBe9
Join science educators across the region as we share successes, strategies, and resources! The Regional Science PLC meets once a month from 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm virtually. Check out the flyer for dates, topics, and registration links. #sesccoop #servingyou
Register for October 17: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/dbKgFrD5
Calling all Social Studies Teachers! Join @sesccoop and SS teachers across the region for our Community of Practice Zoom on October 18th. Take away strategies, tools, and ideas you can implement in class right away. Can't wait to collaborate! See details in the image and register at bit.ly/SSCOP-OCT #sesccoop #servingyou
Attention School & District Leaders! SESC is hosting the School & District Leadership Network for the 2023-24 school year. Join SESC and leaders from our region for our first session on Nov. 2nd, 2023 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the SESC Training Room at 55 Waco Drive in London, KY. Don't miss this opportunity for networking, discussions related to current topics, & more! #sesccoop #servingyou
Register Here:
November 2: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/WMgvRuo0
January 4: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/49WxTqil
March 7: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/S3AM65aW
May 2: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/B5Qe8pVC
Attention School & District Leaders! SESC is hosting the School & District Leadership Network for the 2023-24 school year. Join SESC and leaders from our region for our first session on Nov. 2nd, 2023 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the SESC Training Room at 55 Waco Drive in London, KY. Don't miss this opportunity for networking, discussions related to current topics, & more! #sesccoop #servingyou
Register Here:
November 2: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/WMgvRuo0
January 4: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/49WxTqil
March 7: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/S3AM65aW
May 2: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/B5Qe8pVC
Mental health professionals across our state will meet to address state, regional and local needs. The purpose of this cadre is to connect with each other to build a community of practice. SESC, in partnership with KDE, is looking forward to meeting with school psychologists, school counselors, social workers, FRYSC coordinators, and other mental health professionals. #sesccoop #servingyou
Register Here: http://bit.ly/46rbWQP
SESC will be partnering with KDE and hosting a new counselor academy for all first year counselors within our region. During the academy, we will focus on best practices, data-based decision making, systems and supports, and work together to build a community of support. #sesccoop #servingyou
Register Here: bit.ly/46HDzph
Southeast South-Central Educational Cooperative would like to partner with your district in supporting and coaching MSD teachers via a combination of virtual and in-person meetings. This MSD Cadre will focus on increasing the teacher’s abilities and retention rate. The project goal is to develop effective MSD teachers who provide high quality instruction to students with moderate and severe disabilities. Monthly support and coaching as needed will focus on increasing the teacher’s knowledge level and application of effective teaching practices with focus on literacy instruction. Each meeting will review updates, resources, and effective teaching practices. #sesccoop #servingyou
SESC consultants, April Brock and Lennie Feltner, will be conducting an in-person IEP Guidance Document training on November 9, 2023 from 9am-4pm at The Garland Building in London, KY. This training will be ideal for newly hired special education teachers or experienced special education teachers who have not participated in a recent IEP training. #sesccoop #servingyou
Regiter Here: https://app.sesccoop.org/landing/join_activity/1rO9YSXA