Register NOW to connect with regional ELA educators and SESC Consultants, Rhonda Bryant and Kristal Doolin, once-per-month--via ZOOM--to connect, share, and grow! #sesccoop #servingyou Register Here:
11 months ago, Ashley Judd
ELA Virtual PLC
This Option Six Learning Series Session will focus on eligibility for special education. Join us to learn more. #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
11 months ago, Ashley Judd
Please join consultants April Brock and Lennie Feltner to learn more about progress monitoring. This virtual training is designed for newly hired special education teachers who have not participated in a progress monitoring training this school year. We will learn to use tools and methods used to collect, graph, and analyze data; determine the effectiveness of specially designed instruction; use data to guide adjustments to instruction; and provide evidence of student performance specific to IEP annual goals. #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
11 months ago, Ashley Judd
progress monitoring training
#sesccoop #servingyou
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
SESC Consultant Lennie Feltner had the privilege of visiting Kingston Elementary in Madison County to share strategies and resources to help students with autism in the classroom. #sesccoop #servingyou
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
Kingston Elementary
Kingston Elementary
Kingston Elementary
The upcoming Virtual Bite-Sized Learning Series hosted by Southeast South Central this winter is an exciting opportunity for MSD teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators to learn about the functions of behavior and data collection. The three-session training series will focus on behavior challenges in the Multiple and Severe Classrooms, providing attendees with insights to better address these challenges. #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
bite sized learning
The SESC Deeper Learning Content Academy, led by Renee Hibbard, met with Defined Learning and reviewed Defined Careers. Defined Careers is a K-12 career exploration platform that takes a holistic approach to helping students discover interests while making critical connections to real-world post graduate career opportunities. Teams at the session explored career interests and created their own version of a cafe! We had a fun day of learning! #sesccoop #servingyou
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
Deeper Learning Content Academy
Deeper Learning Content Academy
Deeper Learning Content Academy
Deeper Learning Content Academy
Deeper Learning Content Academy
Research shows that when teachers help students understand what they are learning, why they are learning it and how they will know if they have learned it, student achievement increases. This 1-hour asynchronous session will introduce you to the concept of clarity and prompt you to think about its impact for your own students! #sesccoop #servingyou ACCESS HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
Clarity for Learning
Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach school staff, teachers, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring citizens how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addiction challenge or is in crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid is primarily designed for adults who regularly interact with young people. The session introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders. This 6-hour session will offer EILA and a certificate of attendance for professional learning. Target Audience: Teachers, Principals, Counselors, DoSEs, Psychologists, Administrators, MTSS Coordinators, Mental Health providers, & FRSCY staff. #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
Mental health first aide
Every student deserves to be challenged and learn something new every day, including the children who score at advanced levels. The Talent Identification Program of Kentucky (TIP-KYSM) facilitates above-level testing for students in grades 4-8 by partnering with their school systems, the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa, and the national ACT organization. The Talent Identification Program of Kentucky (TIP-KYSM) offers above-level testing to assess where students are academically so educators and families can help guide students to relevant resources, appropriate enrichment programming, and other services that will challenge and encourage growth. Join virtually as Jennifer Wilson and Tyler Clark from the Talent Identification Program of Ky speak to our region about this opportunity for students in your district. #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
SESC is proud to partner with KATC in a year-long virtual learning series. The series is the ideal resource for educators who are committed to improving outcomes for learners with autism and other developmental disabilities, and in all types of educational settings. The monthly, one-hour virtual series will include educational programming information centered on current evidenced-based practices. A focus on positive academic and behavioral outcomes for all students is integrated in each session. Participants will gain instructional strategies for implementation with diverse learners. Additionally, resources and interactive follow-up/homework discussion opportunities will be embedded into the series for practice and implementation of skills and recognition of successes. Select and register for sessions here: #sesccoop #servingyou
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
autism training
SESC was honored to be invited to Jackson County Public Schools' monthly board meeting to share the impactful work emerging from SESC's valued partnership with the district. SESC is proud to serve Jackson County and 25 other school districts throughout the region! #sesccoop #servingyou
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
Jackson County
Jackson County Board Meeting
Jackson County Board Meeting
Jackson County Board Meeting
Leaders, are you implementing SEL in your schools, but feel like it's not really getting off the ground like you expected? Do your teachers and staff need practical ways to incorporate SEL into their content classrooms and schools? Lauren McQueary and Dr. Holly Hibbard have designed a training opportunity just for you and your staff! They will provide the participants with 10 practical ways to incorporate SEL into any setting. Your staff will be able to utilize these strategies the very next day! Join us on March 15th from 9:00am-3:00pm at the SESC Training Room for this Training Opportunity! #sesccoop #servingyou Register Here:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
In order to provide equitable learning environments for all students, it is important for schools and districts to translate the Kentucky Academic Standards (KAS) into a guaranteed and viable curriculum. The regional educational cooperatives, in partnership with the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE), will host in-person meetings in March for district and school leaders to explore new resources available to support effective implementation of local curriculum supported by high-quality instructional resources (HQIRs). The purpose of the meeting is to provide the following: ● HQIR Implementation Support ○ Curriculum Implementation Framework ○ Curriculum-Based Professional Learning Guidance Document ○ Structuring Professional Learning Cycles ● Kentucky Academic Standards for Science Resources ○ Science Instructional Resources Consumer Guide ○ New Science Module ● Academic Standards Update ○ KAS for Visual and Performing Arts ○ KAS for Health Education and Physical Education #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
leadership. meeting
New special education teachers will benefit from our upcoming Option Six training session, which covers the essentials of IEP development. Join us to learn more. #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
Prevent escalating behaviors before they happen! Come gather deescalation strategies that you can implement in your classroom the next day in this make and take session! #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
March 19 at 4 p.m. EST is the deadline to apply for the KDE FY24 Reading Diagnostic and Intervention Fund (RDIF) Mini-Grant! #sesccoop #servingyou APPLY HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
grant opportunity
The Option Six Learning Series Session will review behavior and the IEP. If you need support in this area, come join us! #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
This training session will review guidelines and required documentation for Kentucky Alternate Assessment participation. #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
This professional learning session will provide an overview of The New Classroom Instruction That Works with a focus on how students learn so that teachers are more intentional about classroom practices. Session objectives will include: • Learning about the importance of curiosity and motivation needed for learning. • Explore a brain-based model of learning so that educators can be increasingly intentional about how they plan for classroom learning. • Learn when, why, and how to use evidence-based practices for teaching and learning so that students learn more. • Learn when, why, and how to use evidence-based practices so that students are supported to engage, process, and apply their learning. • Identify the differences between planning for teaching and planning for learning in an effort to engage teachers in planning processes that are increasingly learner-centered. #sesccoop #servingyou REGISTER HERE: Teacher session: March 6th 9:00-4:00. Register here: Administrator session: March 7th 9:00-4:00 Register here:
12 months ago, Ashley Judd
McRel instruction that works